- To produce product those satisfy the company standard.
- To maintain the existing commitment to fulfill the quality standard and effectuate continuous improvement to Quality Management System.
- To determine and review quality targets under the provided framework.
- To perform continuous communication to be understood by all employees.
- To review the policies periodically to be appropriate always.
- To guarantee that production processes have considered all kinds and characteristics of OHS risk, and all kinds and scales of environment impact.
- Be committed to effectuate continuous improvement and prevention of environment pollution, occupational accident risk, occupational diseases and company assets damages.
- Be committed to obeying and complying regulations, law and other relevant requirements.
- To review objectives and targets of environment and OHS to be appropriate with the provided framework, and evaluate their performances.
- To gather the participation of all employees and perform the consultation about environment and OHS.
- To record, apply, maintain and communicate all policies to all employee.
- Be transparent and open for public.
- To review the policies periodically to be appropriate always.
- Be committed to monitoring and evaluating the OHS performances, and effectuate their continuous improvement.
- Be committed to protecting the environment, including sustainable resource use, climate change mitigation and adaptation, and protection of biodiversity and ecosystem.
The company is operated to produce the best quality products with the environmentally principal as a contribution to society and to ensure the safety and health of workers.
Cikampek, November 2016
Management of PT Peroksida Indonesia Pratama